New Dads: Tips for Fatherhood

tips for new dads, continuum pediatrics

New Dads: Tips for Fatherhood

3 min. read

As any new dad will tell you, fatherhood is such a wonderful and life-changing experience. However, it can also bring about a number of changes in your life and can be difficult for many new dads to adjust to. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed by fatherhood, which is why we are here to provide you with some of the most practical and important tips that will help any new dad as they begin this journey.

  1. Connect Through Touch- It can sometimes be more difficult for dads to form that early bond with their baby, as moms do. Since moms typically spend more time feeding their baby. This is why connecting through touch is so important. Touch will help your baby feel safe, help you bond with your child and it will actually stimulate your baby’s brain development.
  • Tip: try to hold your baby as often as you can—and when you do, hold her near your chest so she can hear your heartbeat.
  • Get Hands-On From the Start- The earlier you can start getting involved with your baby’s care, the better. This includes dressing, bathing and changing diapers. This will give you one-on-one time with your child, and help you build your skills and confidence as a new dad.
  • Talk to Your Baby- While your baby may not be able to fully comprehend what you are saying to them when you are talking—it is still important for you to constantly be talking to your little one. Every word your baby hears will help them develop their learning and language and strengthen their relationship. So, whether you are talking to your baby about what you are doing, such as “I’m getting your bottle ready,” telling a story, singing songs or reading a book—it will help your baby develop important language skills.
  • Have One-on-One Time- Family time as a whole unit is great, but so is individual one-on-one time. Find little things you can do during the day that only involves you and your baby. Even if it is as simple as you talking to your baby while you get ready for work and they sit in their bassinet.
  • Get as Much Information As Possible- Whether you are a new dad, or have been a parent before, any father will tell you that there are always new things to learn. The more information that you have, the more confident you will feel in your role as a dad. So, whether you are reading informational blogs, talking with other dads, going to parents groups or reading parenting books—you should keep yourself as educated as possible—for your betterment, and your baby’s.

Keep these tips in mind in order to make a great start into fatherhood. If you ever have any questions regarding your baby’s health or about practical tips that can help you tackle fatherhood with ease, give Continuum Pediatrics a call right away to make an appointment. You can call our office directly at 817-617-8600 to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.