Managing a Child’s Allergy Symptoms

Managing a Child’s Allergy Symptoms

Managing a Child’s Allergy Symptoms

2 min. read

If your child has bad allergies, it can be difficult as a parent to see your child suffer from the awful symptoms. Whether your child has itchy eyes, a runny nose or is sneezing uncontrollably—the environmental irritants can really take a toll on your child’s daily routine.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for allergies. The good news is, there are several things that you can do to help manage your child’s allergy symptoms so they can enjoy a better quality-of-life and much less discomfort.

It is important to remember that managing your child’s allergy symptoms is about more than just alleviating their discomfort in the moment. If untreated, allergies can be the underlying cause of serious and frequent sinus, ear and upper and lower respiratory tract infections.

Here are some tips on how to manage your child’s allergy symptoms, not only during this time of year, but all year long.

  • Start your allergy medications early. Whether you use nasal sprays or oral medications, start the dosage of your child’s allergy medications about two weeks before allergens start getting in the air. Of course, this will vary depending on where you live and when your child experiences symptoms.
  • Take medications as prescribed. In order for allergy medication to works its best, they need to be used consistently. Instead of getting out the allergy medicine for urgent relief in the middle of a crisis—you should use them consistently.
  • Give nasal wash a try. Many adults and kids with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma or other lung problems also have nasal and sinus symptoms. The drainage from the nose and sinuses can make these conditions worse, particularly at night. A saltwater nasal wash or nasal irrigation system can help reduce these symptoms.
  • Monitor the allergens in the air. There are many online resources that help inform you of allergen updates. When allergens are at their highest, do your best to keep your kids inside and keep your windows closed, when allergens are their highest.
  • Use prescribed allergen medication. There are nasal sprays, oral medications and eye drops that can be prescribed by a doctor and bought over-the-counter for those who suffer from allergies. Come and visit us here at Continuum Pediatrics and we will send you home with detailed information on what medications will work best for your child and when and how they can take these medications.

If you have more questions about your child’s allergies and what you can do to manage your child’s allergy symptoms—give us a call here at Continuum Pediatrics. We know that allergies can be difficult for children and we are here to help. You can call us at 817-617-8600 to schedule an appointment today.