How Soon is Too Soon for Play Dates and Daycare After Quarantine?

How Soon is Too Soon for Playdates and Daycare

How Soon is Too Soon for Play Dates and Daycare After Quarantine?

2 min. read

So many parents are looking forward to a time when life can return to normal, not only for their benefit but for their children as well. One of the biggest questions that we get from parents here at Continuum Pediatrics has to do with play dates and daycare. Many parents are understandably ready to have their children back in daycare, and many parents want their children to get back to regular playdates.

These are undoubtedly essential parts of any child’s social development and most parent’s ability to get work done. Still, it doesn’t necessarily mean that returning to these social activities is safe in today’s climate.

Now that quarantine restrictions are lifted in many areas, many parents are wondering how soon is too soon for playdates and daycare?


Let’s start with every kid’s biggest question right now—when can children return to having playdates? Most CDC experts state it is too soon for kids to get back to regular playdates. Right now, it is not recommended that kids go into their friend’s homes for play dates.

However, in most states, such as Texas, many outdoor areas are open for kids to enjoy. While playgrounds can still be a breeding ground for germs, kids can go on walks, outdoor playdates, or even kick around a soccer ball. If kids do happen to be around their friends by being outside, they can create more of a physical distance.

It isn’t easy to help kids understand the importance of social distancing right now, but the best thing parents can do is to continue to help their kids have fun safely outdoors at a safe social distance.


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, or the AAP, parents should proceed with caution when it comes to taking their children to daycare. The AAP bases its recommendations on the current information we know about Coronavirus and the recommendations of the CDC. If kids need to return to daycare, here are a few things that parents should look for as they work to make sure this place is safe for their children.

  • Children and staff should have their temperature taken daily.
  • Daycare facilities should be working to keep their staff to child ratios as small as possible. The CDC recommends 42-54 square feet per child.
  • Daycares should use soap and water over hand sanitizer whenever possible, as alcohol-based hand sanitizer is toxic if ingested.
  • Daycares should have a detailed EPA-approved disinfecting procedure for all surfaces in the home.

We understand that it is essential for some parents to have their kids return to daycare. The most important thing to remember is that you should feel comfortable with your child being in this environment and feel free to ask as many questions as you need. If you have additional questions about the safe practices for your children, you can call us directly for an appointment at 817-617-8600.