Why Does My Baby Stick Its Tongue Out?

Baby laying on the floor and sticking tongue out

Why Does My Baby Stick Its Tongue Out?

3 min. read

As a parent, you might notice your baby sticking their tongue out and wonder why they do it. Is it normal? Should you be concerned? At Continuum Pediatrics, we want to help you understand this common behavior in babies. 

Normal Reasons Babies Stick Out Their Tongues 

1. Natural Reflexes 
  • Tongue-Thrust Reflex: Babies are born with a tongue-thrust reflex that helps them feed. This reflex causes them to push their tongue forward to suck and swallow milk. 
  • Rooting Reflex: When something touches a baby’s cheek or mouth, they turn their head and stick out their tongue, searching for food. 

2. Exploring the World 
  • Sensory Exploration: Babies use their mouths to learn about their environment. Sticking out their tongue helps them feel different textures and sensations. 
  • Imitation: Babies often mimic the faces they see. If you stick out your tongue at them, they might do the same back to you. 

3. Hunger or Fullness 
  • Signal of Hunger: Sometimes, sticking out the tongue can be a sign that your baby is hungry and ready to eat. 
  • Feeling Full: Pushing food out with their tongue might mean they’ve had enough to eat. 

4. Teething 
  • Gum Discomfort: When teeth are coming in, babies might stick out their tongue to soothe their gums. 

When to Be Less Concerned 

Age Matters:
It’s common for babies under six months old to stick out their tongues frequently. 

No Other Symptoms:
If your baby is feeding well, gaining weight, and meeting other developmental milestones, there’s usually no need to worry. 

When to Consult a Pediatrician 

While it’s normal for babies to stick out their tongues, there are times when you should talk to your doctor: 

1. Difficulty Feeding 
  • If your baby has trouble latching onto the breast or bottle. 
  • If they consistently push out food when starting solids after six months. 

2. Mouth Anatomy Issues 
  • Tongue-Tie (Ankyloglossia): A condition where the tongue is attached too tightly to the bottom of the mouth, limiting movement. 
  • Large Tongue (Macroglossia): An unusually large tongue can be a sign of an underlying condition. 

3. Developmental Concerns 
  • If your baby isn’t meeting other milestones like smiling, rolling over, or making eye contact. 

4. Breathing Difficulties 
  • Constant tongue protrusion along with trouble breathing might need medical attention. 

How to Support Your Baby 

Monitor Their Behavior:
Keep an eye on when and how often your baby sticks out their tongue. 

Encourage Mimicking Games:
Play face-to-face games to help them develop social skills. 

Offer Teething Toys:
If teething is the cause, teething rings can provide relief. 

Stay Calm:
Remember that in most cases, this behavior is normal and will decrease as they grow. 

We’re Here to Help 

At Continuum Pediatrics, we’re dedicated to supporting you and your baby through all stages of development. If you have concerns about your baby’s habits or behaviors, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

Contact Us 

Feel free to call our office or schedule an appointment. Our team is here to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have about your child’s health and development. 

Watching your baby grow and learn is an amazing journey. Sticking out their tongue is often just a part of how they explore the world around them. Enjoy these moments, and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way.