22 Jul Baby Water Safety 101
There are many ways in which your baby can enjoy the water—whether it is in the pool or in the tub. However, while spending time in the water is a relatively common practice for babies, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some serious dangers associated with water time.
During this time of year in particular, babies tend to be around water more than ever, and even the most innocent of situations, and a few inches of water can propose a potential danger.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has even issued several tips and warnings for parents to help parents navigate water safety with their infants, and it is important for parents to take warnings such as these to heart. Take a look at some of our basic water safety tips that can help parents keep their baby as safe as possible during this vulnerable time in their lives.
Bath Tub Water Safety
Bath time can be a fun time for parents and baby to bond. However, there are a few things that you should do when your baby is in the water to make sure they are staying safe.
- Have all of your accessories and bath supplies within reach so you can always keep one hand on your baby.
- Always check the water temperature of your baby’s bath with your wrist. Water that is too hot can scald an infant baby’s skin and require a trip the hospital. A great way to try and avoid this is to adjust your water heater setting to never go above 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Remember, that most child drownings inside the home occur in the bathtub and more than half of bathtub deaths occur in children under the age of one.
Finally, don’t assume that an infant bath seat is going to prevent your child from drowning. You should never leave your infant alone in a bathtub—even these can tip over and children can slip out and drown even in a few inches of water.
While the bathtub is definitely the most dangerous body of water in the bathroom, there are other water safety concerns to be aware of in the bathroom as well, as soon as your child is able to move around on their own. Always lock and use safety latches on your bathroom door to keep children out.
Swimming Pool Safety
During the warm summer months, many parents are excited to introduce their little ones to some cool pool water. Whether you are visiting a pool, or have a pool at home, it is important that you are very careful with your baby around these pools.
If you have your own pool, make sure that you have an approved fence that covers the pool on all sides. This pool should have a latch that is at least 54 inches from the ground. Infants should be held at all times while in the water, even if they are sitting on a step. You should also keep toys out of the water that may tempt babies to crawl towards or grab something in the pool when they are not completely supervised.
Finally, you should make sure that you know CPR, specifically infant CPR so that you are prepared should a water-related accident occur.
No matter where your child is when they are interacting with water, it is important that you are being as cautious as possible and take these water safety tips to heart. If you have questions about bath time routines, water safety around the pool or other ways to keep your children safe, schedule an appointment today at Continuum Pediatrics by calling us at 817-617-8600.