Developmental Basics for Newborns

Child development, newborn, Newborn development

Developmental Basics for Newborns

3 min. read

During the first three months after your baby is born, its body will start to develop. They will start to notice and react to different things such as lights, sounds, objects, etc. So, if you want to learn about the general infant development milestones, then this guide is just for you.

What Does Your Infant Hear?

Even before birth, the baby will hear different sounds in the womb. They can hear the heartbeat and also some voices of other family members. After being born, they can hear these voices more clearly. You can notice how the infant reacts to human voices, particularly the voices of their parents.

Most states require your baby to go through hearing screening before discharging them from the hospital. Having a hearing screening is necessary during the early days of birth to diagnose any possible hearing loss. So, if your baby hasn’t had one or was born in a nursing center, then it is critical that they get a hearing screening within the first 30 days.

What Does Your Infant See?

The newborns can have clear vision up to 8 to 12 inches away. Since they are nearsighted, anything farther than that will appear blurry to them. Most importantly, their eyes are sensitive to bright lights, so they’ll probably open their eyes in dimly lit rooms.

Most newborns like things like bright colors, unique designs, and human faces. So, you should give them relevant stuff to grab their attention, such as pictures or toys. Your baby will also follow your facial movement when there isn’t much noise around.

What Can Your Infant Smell or Taste?

Newborn babies will also have a preference for smell or taste. For instance, they are likely going to prefer a bottle of sweetened water but wouldn’t give the same reaction to something bitter. Similarly, they would turn towards smells they like and would cry if they smelled something bad.

While babies will prefer a sweet taste, their preferences will continue to change throughout the first 12 months after their birth. Some studies show that the maternal diet can impact the taste of breast milk. Therefore, the flavors will change their preferences throughout their first year.

Importance of Touch

When the baby is in the womb, they are kept in a warm and safe environment. However, they would have to deal with different environments and feel different things, such as feeling on their clothes or the hardness of the crib.

Therefore, the touching sense is critical for newborn babies. You can wrap your newborn in warm blankets and soft clothing so they can adapt to their new environment. It will ensure that they find the world a soothing place.

What to Do if you are Worried?

There is no need to worry if your child’s progress is slow compared to other children. Each baby will develop at its own pace, and there is nothing wrong with it. But if you are concerned about it, you can discuss it with the pediatricians at Continuum Pediatrics.

They can help you get a clear idea about your infant’s development. So give us a call at 817-617-8600 to discuss your child’s health with a healthcare professional or to schedule an appointment.