09 Jan Early Signs of Giftedness in Children and How to Support It
2 min. readEvery parent wants to make sure that their child has the encouragement and tools available to be the best versions of themselves possible. But what if you suspect your child is gifted?
If you feel as though your child may be showing signs of giftedness, you will want to make sure that you are providing the proper support for your little one. But how can you be sure that your child is exhibiting these early signs and who should you talk to?
The best person to talk to would be your child’s teacher or guidance counselor. These experts spend a great deal of time around children (including your own) and would know, even better than your child’s pediatrician if your child is showing signs of giftedness.
- Do new and exciting activities that will stimulate the brain
- Give your child activities to do that don’t involve screen time
- Help your child get enough exercise to qualm any excess energy
- Encourage your child to use areas of their brain even when they aren’t in school with fun and stimulating activities
For example, you could take a walk with your child and casually talk about the different kinds of trees, plants, animals, or even the formation of clouds. This is a great way to get fresh air and exercise while encouraging developments with science, spelling, and memorization.
You should have an open and honest conversation about your child with these education specialists and take to heart what they are seeing and noticing in the classroom. We have many parents ask us about the signs of giftedness, particularly when it comes to how teachers report their child is behaving in class.
Particularly when they are bored.
Unfortunately, a child being bored and disinterested in school is not typically a sign that they are gifted or that the information isn’t challenging enough for them. In most children, boredom and disinterest in the classroom could be a sign of other issues, maybe even ADHD. If you talk to your child’s teacher and learn that your kid is quite bored with school, ask questions about what you can be doing in the home to stimulate your child.
Here at Continuum Pediatrics, we encourage parents to make sure their child is supported no matter what gifts they possess or interests that they have. A happy, well-supported child is a healthy child. If you are noticing signs and signals of a special talent in your child, take the time to talk to their teacher.
There, unfortunately, is no test we can do to let you know if your child is particularly gifted, but we can help with keeping your child healthy enough to get into the classroom every day. If you have other questions, please take the time to call Continuum Pediatrics at 817-617-8650 and schedule an appointment.