
Firework Safety Tips for Kids

A father and child, standing close together, light up sparklers, celebrating a special occasion with a sense of wonder and excitement.

Firework Safety Tips for Kids

2 min. read

When the Fourth of July gets here, most kids only have one thing on their mind: fireworks. There is no denying that fireworks are a fun part of the Fourth of July celebrations, but they aren’t necessarily the safest way to celebrate a holiday. While this doesn’t mean that you have to avoid fireworks all together on the Fourth of July, it does mean there are some safety tips you should keep in mind to make sure you are enjoying them safely.

  • Teach your children never to throw or point fireworks at someone—even if it is a joke.
  • Always point fireworks away from cars, homes, and people.
  • Never play with fireworks or sparklers near dry brush, leaves, or flammable substances as they can quickly start a serious fire.
  • Only light one firework at a time, do not light them in glass or metal containers.
  • If a firework is a dud, never try to relight them.
  • Sparklers can be just as dangerous as fireworks and should be handled with caution.
  • Kids should not be allowed to pick up firework pieces after an event—some fireworks may still be ignited and can explode anytime.
  • When you are done using fireworks, make sure to soak them in a bucket of water before throwing them in the trashcan.

If your child is injured in the eye by a firework, do not let them touch or rub their eye, don’t flush the eye out, cut on the bottom of a paper cup, place it around the eye, and get medical attention right away. If a firework burns your child, remove clothing from the burned area, and call your doctor immediately.

You can never be too safe when it comes to handling fireworks around children—and one of the first ways you can make sure your children are staying safe is to talk to them about necessary firework safety precautions. If you have more questions about summer safety tips for your children—contact the experts at Continuum Pediatrics today. You can reach us at 817-617-8600 to schedule your appointment today.

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