Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

4 min. read

For many kids, there is no more exciting time of year than Halloween. Costumes, parties and of course plenty of candy make this a joyous time for kids of all ages. However, Halloween isn’t always no tricks and all treats—it can also be a very dangerous time of year for young kids if they aren’t careful.

With this in mind, all parents should be aware of some very important safety tips that can keep their little ones safe and healthy during this spooky time of year.

Careful Costumes

Costumes are one of the most fun parts of Halloween for kids, but it doesn’t mean that all costumes are safe. Here are a few careful costume considerations parents should keep in mind while helping their child create an outfit that is still fun, spooky and expressive of their personality.

  • If your child is trick-or-treating plan for a bright and reflective costume.
  • Make sure your child’s shoes fit properly and are comfortable so they don’t trip.
  • Be careful with masks, they can limit or block eyesight and present a hazard for kids.
  • Always look for masks, wigs, costumes, and add-ons that are fire-resistant.
  • Avoid decorative contact lenses in kids, unless they are specifically approved by an eye care professional. They can cause pain, inflammation or infections in the eye.


Carving Considerations

Carving pumpkins is always a fun Halloween tradition. If you have a small child, it is best to avoid carving all together and opt for drawing or painting on the pumpkins. If you are lighting your child’s pumpkin make sure you are displaying your creation or a sturdy surface or consider using an LED light source or glow stick instead. 

How to Have a Healthy Halloween

Since Halloween is all about sweets and candy, it can be difficult to stay healthy during this time of year. While there is no magic spell to make candy healthier for you, there are ways to offset all the sugar and treats this time of year.

  • Save candy for trick-or-treating hauls only. Plan for other, healthier Halloween-themed treats such as trail mix, grapes and caramel apples for other events.
  • Make sure kids have a big, hearty meal before they go trick-or-treating so they don’t overeat their candy.
  • Try to ration treats for the days after Halloween so kids don’t eat everything at once.
  • Examine all of the candy your child brings home and dispose of suspicious items. Try to keep only a portion of the haul and make it a balance of candy and other snacks.


Staying Safe at Home

As parents, it is not only important to keep an eye out on your child when they leave the home on Halloween but to make sure that your home is safe for other children as well. Here are some home safety tips to keep in mind when trick-or-treaters come knocking:

  • Replace all the outside bulbs at your house so it is easy for kids to tell you are home.
  • If you have a long or dark driveway or walkway, add extra lighting.
  • Remove tripping hazards from the yard such as lawn decorations or hoses. It will likely be dark out and hard for kids to see.
  • Make sure pets are safely contained so they don’t cause any accidents or injuries with visitors. 


Trick-or-Treating Tactics

Trick-or-treating is one of the most fun parts of Halloween, but it is also one of the most dangerous. Here are some tips on safe trick-or-treating tactics.

  • Always give children flashlights and make sure they have costumes on with reflective tape so others can see them.
  • Agree on a trick-or-treating route ahead of time if your child is going out on the trail without you.
  • Make it clear that kids should only go to homes with porch lights on and that they should never go inside the home or inside a vehicle when trick-or-treating.
  • Send trick-or-treaters out in groups and make sure someone in the group has a cell phone in case of emergencies.
  • Kids should never cut across yards or alleyways while out at night.


Halloween can be both fun and safe for your kids! If you have additional questions about how to navigate the spooky season with your child, you can schedule an appointment with our office by calling 817-617-8600 or scheduling online at http://continuumtx.com/contact.