How to Establish Good Sleep Habits

Child care, sleep, sleep habits

How to Establish Good Sleep Habits

3 min. read

Getting your child to have a good night’s sleep is just as important as feeding them a nutritious and balanced diet. Although sleep needs differ from one child to the other, on average, a toddler requires between 11 and 14 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Sleep deprivation can seriously impact the quality of your child’s health while getting enough sleep can bring along the following benefits:

  • Improved concentration, learning, and focus
  • Better heart health
  • Reduced risk of obesity
  • Lower risk of inflammation
  • Enhanced emotions and social interactions

How to Establish Good Child Sleep Habits

Various studies suggest that a chronic poor sleeping pattern in your child can put them at a higher risk of developing different physical and mental health problems. These can include depression, irritability, concentration problems, and a lack of focus. Children who are chronically poor sleepers are also at a higher risk of gaining weight, experiencing high blood pressure levels, and having a weakened immune system.

If you are unsure whether your child is getting enough sleep during the day, closely examine their behavior. They should look properly rested, ready for the day, and able to properly function – not groggy, cranky, or sleepy. If you notice them having difficulty getting enough sleep, establishing the following habits can help.

Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Make your child wake up and sleep at a set time every day, including on the weekends. This habit will strengthen their body’s circadian rhythm, making it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up each day. Keeping a sleep schedule will also help them overcome any daytime drowsiness and thus improve their school performance.

Create a Bedtime Routine

Having a relaxing bedtime routine for your child will help them properly unwind so they can look forward to sleeping. Sticking to this routine will allow their body to recognize that it’s bedtime, making it easier for them to fall asleep quicker.

A bedtime routine can include anything that makes your child happy and relaxed, except for electronics that emit blue light and stimulants such as video games. Below are some relaxing ideas to incorporate into your child’s nighttime routine.

  • A long warm shower or bath will drop the body’s temperature and make them feel sleepy.
  • Read to them or stay in their room for a chat until they start feeling sleepy
  • Give them a glass of warm milk to help them relax.

Make your Child’s Sleeping Environment Comfortable

Create a room environment that makes your child look forward to sleeping. Keep the room cool, dark, and quiet, with temperatures ranging between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Investing in the right mattress, pillows, stuffed toys, and comforters is essential to help your little one sleep quickly and easily. Consider soundproofing your windows and door if your child is a light sleeper or your house is in a noisy neighborhood.

Visit your Pediatrician

Continuum Pediatrics is a primary care clinic based in Keller, TX, where every child gets attention. We offer easy access to a host of services that ensure the health and well-being of your little one. Get in touch with us today at 817-617-8600 for more information about establishing good sleeping habits in your child.