27 Apr Managing Your Child’s Screen Time While Working from Home
2 min. readDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, your child may be experiencing unusual amounts of screen time. With distance learning creating a need for online assignments and video chats with their classes, children of all ages are learning to navigate the digital landscape at quicker rates than expected. This means a lot of independent learning is going on, which can be challenging at any age. Thankfully, the team at Continuum Pediatrics has developed some recommendations for managing screen time.
Recommendation #1
Even though your children are spending a lot more time on screens, don’t be afraid to give them some “fun” screen time too. Just like us adults need breaks from working at home during the day, your children need some time to relax with or without a screen. If this means that you take some time at the end of the week to have a family movie night or give them an hour to play video games after dinner, creating or maintaining routines will always be beneficial.
Recommendation #2
Try to reframe this difficult situation as something positive. You are getting to spend more time at home with your children and may even be helping them learn technology by setting up their video calls or getting their assignments via email. And while they are spending more time in front of a screen, they may also be spending more time outside and getting more exercise than they would during a normal school day.
Recommendation #3
Remember that you are doing the best you can to navigate this difficult time. We are all in this together, so don’t forget to lean on your support system or community to find new and creative ways to manage your child’s screen time.
If you have more questions about screen time and children, visit our website https://continuumtx.com to read more blogs or contact our office today!