06 Aug Tips to Help a Baby With Separation Anxiety
2 min. readWhen babies go through phases of separation anxiety, it can be a heartbreaking ordeal for any parent. No parent wants to see their child be upset especially about being separated from their mother or father.
When dealing with an emotional phase like this, it can be difficult to decide on the right course of action for your child and to determine what the best thing for both you and your baby is. While every child is unique and will likely respond to different tactics, here are a few tips to help you as you calmly work to assist your baby through their separation anxiety.
- Stay calm. This is one of the best things you can do to calm your baby’s anxiety, and it is also one of the most difficult. Even when your baby gets overly upset—you need to try to be as calm as possible. The more emotional you get, the more emotional your baby will be.
- Be consistent. If you want to help your baby get through their phase of separation anxiety—then consistency is the key.
- Consider leaving your baby with their favorite items. Stuffed animals and blankets can help babies feel more secure. Some babies also do well with an item that smells like their mom.
- Remember, separations are more difficult when babies are already upset. If your baby is sick, hungry or tired, separations are going to be even more difficult on your little one. The best time to time separations with your child is when your baby is happy, alert, healthy and awake.
- Create a good-bye ritual. You should always do the same thing when you are planning on leaving. A good-bye ritual is key. Give your hugs, kisses and “goodbyes” then leave. Don’t come back, it will only make it worse for both of you.
- Play short separation and return games. Short practice separation games can be helpful for teaching your baby that when you leave—it isn’t permanent. This is a difficult concept for babies to understand. If your
baby is not comfortable with dad or another caregiver try these practice separations. This can be as short asmom going to the bathroom, then you can build to longer times away. - Introduce new caregivers gradually. If your child is dealing with separation anxiety, and you are planning on leaving them with a relative or new babysitter, introduce these new people gradually to help your baby feel more comfortable. Invite them over first, so your baby can get used to the new individual. If you are planning on leaving your baby with this individual for an extended period—consider starting with partial days and building up to help your baby.
If you are continuing to struggle with your baby’s separation anxiety, and are looking for more solutions, then contact us here at Continuum Pediatrics. You can give us a call at 817-617-8600 to schedule an appointment today.